JonathanPerea, Professional Realtor

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Will Adding A Pool Add Value To Your Home?

We all want to get the best deal possible when selling our house. It is only natural then that we would make certain modifications that can increase the appraisal value without spending much money. Giving our home a new paint job or doing a bit of landscaping can drastically increase the property value. However, would a significant investment like installing a pool yield just as large of a bump in value? Will adding a pool add value to your home at all? We are going to try and answer this question today.

What Kind Of Pool Do You Want?

If you want to install a pool in your home, you must first understand the importance of the type of pool you have. Depending on the type of pool you want to install, you will need to consider various factors. The two types of pools we are talking about are in-ground pools and above-ground pools.

Wondering will adding a pool add value to your home? Then you ought to know that different types of pools can add value to your home in different ways.

In-Ground Swimming Pools

If you decide to install an in-ground pool, the best-case scenario is that you will increase your home's value by 10%. Given the expense of installing a pool, this indicates that you will most likely not improve the value of your property by the amount you paid to add the pool. This is especially the case if you want to do anything unconventional with the shape or design of the pool. It would help if you also considered that in-ground swimming pools are rather expensive to maintain. Additionally, suppose you have made all the preparations for the sale of your home and have only now started working on the pool. In that case, we must also mention that installing a pool is an arduous undertaking. It can take a long time, and if you think it's the perfect time to sell your home, it may be better to sell without a pool.

Above-Ground Swimming Pools

The thing about above-ground pools is that they are not seen as much of a luxury as in-ground pools. This comes with its benefits and downsides. Compared to in-ground pools, the biggest benefit is that above-ground pools are cheap and easy to install. If you are in a hurry to move, above-ground pools are the perfect option, and they are an excellent choice if you are facing a long-distance move. Not only will they let you have more money for relocation-related expenses, but they will also give you more time that you can spend searching for the top moving companies. You know how important it is to find experts to organize everything in direct correlation to your relocation. 

If you do everything correctly, installing an above-ground swimming pool can be a great investment. However, the disadvantage is that above-ground pools are less elegant and more difficult to integrate into a home's design. As a result, one of the most important factors to consider is the quality of an above-ground pool. The quality will determine whether or not it adds value to your home or not. You will get the most out of this investment if you are careful in how you design the pool.

What Kind Of Buyers Do You Expect? 

We're all aware that different buyers look for different things when trying to buy a house. And while we all believe that having a pool in our backyard doesn't have a downside, that is not the case. As we've said, having a pool is a lot of responsibility, and not everyone wants that responsibility. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what kind of buyers will be looking at your house. If everyone who comes to look at your house wants a pool, a pool will add value to your home. If no one wants a pool, it loses value.

What Kind Of Climate Do You Live In?

The value of a pool in your home will also be determined by where you live. If you live in an area where the temperature varies significantly throughout the year, installing a pool wouldn't be good. Nobody wants to pay for and maintain something that they can only use for the summer. You can look at it this way: the more sunny days there are in a year, the more value a pool will add to your home. If you live in California or Florida, a pool would be a much better investment than in New Jersey or Washington.

If you live in an area where it is warm most of the year, installing a pool may be advantageous.

What Sort Of Neighborhood Does Your Property Reside In?

Because your potential buyer would most likely visit many houses before making a selection, the general market in your region will have a substantial influence on the sale of your property. If every other home has a pool, yours will become less distinctive. If a pool is more or less a standard amenity in your region, buyers may be less interested in your pool-free home. As we've mentioned earlier, while the expense of maintaining a backyard pool may deter some purchasers, it may not deter others. Buyers looking for a luxury house will not care about maintenance costs. Luxury houses are expected to have a pool, and they enhance value. So, if you live in Rosena Ranch, a pool will help you compete with the rest of the market.

To Know Will Adding a Pool Add Value To Your Home, Know How Much A Pool Will Set You Back

The cost of installing an in-ground pool and maintaining it varies based on the type of pool and other factors. But, no matter what, it's essential to consider all the costs and whether it would be a worthwhile investment for you. The average price of installing an in-ground pool is around $35,000. However, even after you pay that, there are still other costs that you need to consider. Heating the pool, keeping it clean, and repairing it when it inevitably breaks are all costs that you need to keep in mind when thinking about installing a pool. You can expect to pay anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000 every year to maintain your pool.

You must consider the cost of both installing and maintaining your pool.


So, will adding a pool add value to your home? As you can see, the answer to this question is not that cut and dry. In some situations, it can help; in others, it can make it harder to sell your home. It is for you to decide what would be the best approach for you. If in doubt what to do, you can always consider consulting a real estate expert in your area. When it comes to clearing out doubts of this kind, nobody will be better than professionals. 

Meta Description: Ever wondered will adding a pool add value to your home? Here are some things to consider before making an investment this big.

Keyword: will adding a pool add value to your home